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  • Who Zeus is: mythology, Zeus' wives, films

    Zeus is a significant mythological figure that is still used in many cultural works (even not related to Ancient Greece in one form or another), in business and other spheres. This is due to the unique combination of characteristics of this deity - he is a father, a king and a being of amazing power. Other similar deities from similar pagan pantheons either completely disappeared from the cultural field, or almost erased - why did it happen?

    Zeus in mythology

    Even those who have little interest in mythology or history have mostly heard of Zeus. This formidable deity is the leader of the ancient Greek pantheon, who had a lot of incredible powers, a large family and absolute leadership on Olympus, the mountain of the gods in ancient Greece.

    According to the pagan testimonies that have come down to us from antiquity, Zeus was imagined by his worshippers as an ambiguous but powerful figure, embodying the many qualities that were especially valued by people of that time:

    • strength, both physical and divine;
    • athletic physique and the body in general as the pinnacle of development;
    • wisdom and foresight;
    • mastery over the forces of nature;
    • fertility.

    Those who do not know much about this god may argue that Zeus is presented not only as a wise father and a powerful ruler - the Greeks also depicted his controversial sides, such as cruel deeds and ambiguous attitude to wives and children.

    Of course, this is true - evidence of this can be found in the first ancient Greek myth that the reader will come across. But it is worth remembering that the norms of morality accepted now and those relevant in antiquity are very different. Then it was believed that the leader of society - especially the divine society, can afford a lot of actions, if it somehow benefits the community.

    The general image of Zeus in mythology is quite simple and not dressed in incomprehensible terms and formulations. The life of this deity and features of his character are described in detail in many ancient authors. This is the most masculine image, which emphasizes natural courage and power over the gods and people. Perhaps it is the similarity of Zeus to his creations - people - that attracts those who live now. In Greece itself, ancient culture has almost lost its influence, but in the rest of the world it is more than relevant in a variety of business and cultural spheres.

    Family life of the main "father god" in ancient culture

    Zeus, of course, cannot be called an exemplary family man - especially from the point of view of today's morality. But a huge part of his cult was based on his paternal role.

    The family of Zeus fully reflected the ideal family structure in the view of the ancient Greeks. It was a rather large community, consisting of different generations, in the center and on top of which stood the patriarch. The deity had only one wife - Hera, but the myths of the Greeks now and then mention other women who were not related to the deity by marriage.

    Most of the children of Zeus from Hera are other, no less famous deities of the ancient pantheon. These are Appolon, Athena, Hephaestus, Aphrodite and others, who are also quite firmly entrenched in the modern cultural agenda. Now and then you can see new films, games and animated series in which the ancient pantheon in one form or another takes part.

    It is also worth mentioning the not quite official part of Zeus' family - the demigods who were born as a result of his infatuation with a variety of women, both human and of other races. For example, the greatest strongman Hercules is the most striking example.

    The popularity of Zeus in the world

    Of course, pagan cults no longer exist - except in the form of some very few societies. But antiquity, which gave the world culture so much good in terms of heritage, engraved its religion in eternity. Zeus as a deity is still a very recognizable image that can be identified even by indirect signs.

    If this seems to you to be a matter of course, it is enough to remember how many other major deities, along with the civilizations that worshiped them, disappeared completely. For example, the Roman pantheon has received very little representation in modern times, although the civilization of the Romans was relatively large.

    Where you can find references to the main Greek deity:

    • in cinema - it is very common;
    • in literature, both fiction and non-fiction;
    • in video games and related forms of art and entertainment content.
    • In business, Zeus as a symbol is also used very often. Entrepreneurs are attracted by the possibility of free use of the image and its wide scope of application.

    Can we still find symbols of Zeus worship in reality?

    Of course, it will not be possible to find a real functioning temple of the deity - the gods of antiquity, like most pagan religions, have been completely abolished. But there is plenty of evidence that they once existed. Some of the ancient ruins that actually exist are dedicated to Zeus, and you can also find his statues and bas-reliefs. Most of the objects have been preserved in classical ancient Greek painting - painting vases and other utensils.

    Symbols of Zeus, however, do not require real embodiment, although they may well have it:

    • Lightning. The main symbol both for the Greeks themselves and for the present people who perceive Zeus only in a cultural context. If the mass viewer or reader may not know about the less obvious features and abilities of the deity, the lightning (often with a cloud) is a very obvious symbol.
    • The inscription of the name. By itself, the inscription in Latin or ancient Greek alphabet is also considered a symbol and is quite used even in the production of goods.

    Directly the image of the deity. Zeus is the rare case when the image is also considered a symbol. God is difficult to confuse with anyone, because the image is very recognizable. He is usually depicted sitting on a throne or a storm cloud.

    All these symbols can be seen in one way or another in cultural works dedicated to the deity.

    Where is the name Zeus used in modern culture?

    It is very easy to find a mention of the deity-center of the ancient pantheon - his image is still actively used in entertainment culture. Here are some of the most striking and popular examples:

    1. Hercules. The cartoon that became a cult and extremely popular first in the West, and then in the post-Soviet space. The story, which can be perceived by both children and adults, tells about the son of Zeus and the thunderer himself constantly appears there.
    2. God of War. This is a series of games from the Japanese giant Sony, which shows Zeus as the main antagonist of the story. Despite his negative role, the deity appears before the player in full majesty and in accordance with his mythological image.
    3. American Gods. A bestselling novel, where Zeus is not given a central role, but still noticeable. The story tells about the deity in modern times.

    In addition to the entertainment industry, Zeus is constantly present in various research films of a documentary nature. The site sigeneration.ca contains everything about the main god of Olympus, the use of his name in modern times

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